Sending Logs Directly

Files will be sent to support server directy from SendLogs by SMTP. Sending will be performed according to the settings specified in the Proxy settings dialog box. It contains the following:

  • Use proxy-server - enables usage of a proxy-server when sending data to the technical support server.
  • Proxy settings - section that holds proxy-server settings which will be used for sending data:
    • Server - name or IP-address of the used proxy-server.
    • Port - number of a port to be used.
    • User name - user name to access the proxy-server.
    • Password - password to access proxy-server.

Provided this method is selected, the Specifying data dialog box is invoked and it contains text fields to specify e-mail, where the reply for user request will be sent to, subject and body of the request. Also, the dialog box supports the drag and drop technology, so it’s possible to add files, which will be attached to the e-mail, by dragging them to the dialog box (a default attachment is

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Sending Logs Directly