
Initialization tab of Vba32 Loader main window contains settings of the Vba32 Loader startup:

·  Launch Loader at Windows startup – Vba32 Loader is launched automatically at startup of the operating system.

·  Enable Monitor at Loader startup – Vba32 Monitor is enabled at Vba32 Loader startup.

·  Protect Loader process – enables protection of Vba32 Loader process.

·  Display loading progress – allows watching the process of Vba32 Loader loading.

·  Scan memory and files launched at system startup – Vba32 Loader scans files launched at system startup as well as memory of all processes, dynamic libraries and drivers at startup. Starts a mode of memory check at which faster algorithms are applied, the drivers are not checked, the heuristic analysis is disconnected, the cache of an anti-virus kernel is used.There are three scanning modes:

Fast mode – Vba32 Loader scans memory using fast algorithms, doesn’t scan drivers and doesn’t use heuristic analyzer. Moreover antivirus kernel cache is enabled, that speeds up further scanning of objects.

Full mode – when working in this mode all objects in memory, including drivers, are scanned. Heuristic analyzer is enabled as well as antivirus kernel cache.

Excessive mode – when working in this mode all objects in memory are scanned, antivirus kernel cache isn’t used, heuristic level is excessive.

·  Scan boot sectors – Vba32 Loader scans boot sectors at startup.

Scan floppy boot sectors – Vba32 Loader scans floppy boot sectors at startup.

·  Installation Folder – displays the folder where Vba32 is installed to.

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Press Cancel to close the window without saving.
Press Apply to save any changes you have made without closing the window.
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