Additional tab of the Vba32 Loader main window contains settings of the Vba32 Loader functioning :
- Report File Settings
- Maximum size, kB - specifies maximum size of the report file. If this value is achieved, addition of records to the file end will cause deletion of records at the file beginning. It is recommended to enable it in order not to litter the system with stale data. To view the report file, press Show.
- Interface settings
- Sound warning - enables sound notification about crucial events (launching, Vba32 Monitor enabling and disabling, detection and cure of malicious programs, etc).
- Tray icon animation - displays animated system tray icon (
) when Loader performs some actions.
- Interface Language - allows choosing the language from the drop-down list.
- Update settings
- Time intervals, hrs - the program is updated automatically every period of time specified. Otherwise update should be started manually.
- Interactive - sets the interactive mode of automatic update.
- Network Settings - to change network settings, press Settings
- Access to update resources - contains settings of authorization to access update resources.
- Use proxy-server - specifies whether proxy-server is used to connect update server or not. Type Address and Port number of proxy-server.
- Use this account to access update resource - enables authorization to access update resources. Specify User name and Password.
- Update resources - lists of paths which will be used to update the program. Press Add… to add a new resource (URL, local folder or network (UNC) path). Press Delete to remove the selected resource from the list. Press Edit… to modify the resource selected in the list. Press Up to move the resource selected in the list up. Press Down to move the resource selected in the list down.
- Path - choose the path from the drop-down list or press Settings to specify the path manually. Press Update to start updating.
- Last - displays the date and time of the last successful update.
- Next - displays the date and time of the next update (if automatic update is enabled).
Press OK to save any changes you have made and close the window. Press Cancel to close the window without saving. Press Apply to save any changes you have made without closing the window. Press Help to open Help file.