System Tray Menu

The context menu of Vba32 Loader provides quick and handy access to main functions of the program.

Vba32 systemtraycontextmenu System Tray Menu
Vba32 Loader context menu in system tray

Vba32 Loader menu includes the following items:

  • Settings - invokes submenu of antivirus components.
    1. Loader - invokes Vba32 Loader Main Window.
    2. Monitor - invokes Vba32 Monitor settings.
    3. - invokes settings of corresponding antivirus components.
  • Update - launches automatic update of Vba32.
  • Quarantine - launches Vba32 Quarantine.
  • Scanner - invokes the Vba32 Scanner main window.
  • DisableEnable Monitor - turns onoff Vba32 Monitor.
  • Activate - launches the Vba32 activation utility. The item is displayed only if Vba32 key file is missing or expired as well as there are less than 8 days till expiration.
  • Support - invokes the dialog box with support information.
  • Exit - unloads Vba32 Loader and exits the program.


System Tray Menu