Scanning Settings

The following scanning settings can be configured:

  • Heuristic Analysis - allows detecting unknown malicious programs and modifications of known malicious programs. It provides a more reliable protection of your computer. There are four levels of heuristic analysis:
    1. Disabled - unknown malicious programs will not be detected.
    2. Optimal - practically doesn’t slow down the scanning. Recommended for most of users.
    3. Maximum - provides the maximum level of unknown malicious programs detection with the lowest probability of false positives; slows down scanning a bit.
    4. Excessive - detects most of unknown malicious programs with the highest probability of false positives. Recommended for advanced users only.

Attention: Send suspicious files to for detailed analysis. This will help us in removing false positives in the next update of antivirus base.

  • Scan mail - mail bases and messages are scanned.
  • Detect installers of malware - installers of malicious programs and computer viruses are detected.
  • Scan archives - archived files are scanned.
  • Thorough mode - sets the excessive mode of file scanning.

Attention: Thorough mode may considerably increase the time of file scanning.

  • Detect Spyware, Adware, Riskware - applications of Adware and Riskware types are detected. They are considered as common infected files.
  • Change object status during scanning - allows changing the Information column of the table in the Vba32 Quarantine window

Press Apply to save any changes you have made.
Press OK to save any changes changes you have made and close the window.
Press Cancel to close the window without saving.


Scanning Settings