To invoke the Vba32 Script-Filter dialog box:
The Vba32 Script-Filter dialog box contains the following settings:
- Enable Script-Filter - turns on protection against malicious scripts executed by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook Express or any other application using Microsoft Windows Scripting Host (MS WSH).
- Notify about script blocking - Vba32 Script-Filter notify a user of every script blocking.
Attention: This option is unavailable in the demo version.
- Report File
- Keep - sets the mode when all actions performed by Vba32 Script-Filter as well as their results are written to the report file. Default file is
Vba32Sck.log placed in the Vba32 folder. Press Browse to specify another report file name and path.
- Detailed - sets the mode when information about all scanned scripts is written to the report file.
- Maximum size, kB - specifies maximum size of the report file. If this value is achieved, addition of records to the file end will cause deletion of records at the file beginning. It is recommended to enable it in order not to litter the system with stale data. To view the report file, press Show.