Phone numbers

Phone numbers tab contains lists of allowed telephone numbers.

  • List of allowed numbers - contains numbers or masks which are allowed for dialing.

Attention: When you have created a new connection at your computer, don’t forget to add it to the list.

To manage the list, use Add, Remove and Modify buttons.

  • To add a new phone number to the list, press Add. Specify a phone number and a brief comment regarding it in the invoked dialog box. It’s possible to use masks to specify a range of forbidden telephone numbers. For example, if you add 3*, you will allow dialing numbers starting with 3.
  • To remove a number from the list, select it and press the Remove button.
  • To edit a phone number, select it and press Modify.

Press Apply to save any changes you have made.
Press OK to save any changes changes you have made and close the window.
Press Cancel to close the window without saving.


Phone numbers