Objects tab contains the following settings of Vba32 Scanner:
- Scan standard file types set - Vba32 Scanner processes files with standard extensions such as
- Scan selected file types - Vba32 Scanner processes files with extensions specified in the text field below and delimited by dots. Some file extensions are specified by default. Press By default to restore the initial list of extensions.
- Scan all file types - Vba32 Scanner processes all file types.
Excluding – allows specifying file extensions you want to exclude from scanning. These files may be ones that are not likely to be infected.
Note: Question mark (?) substitutes a single character in the extension. Asterisk (*) substitutes zero characters or a row of symbols of any length.
- Scan memory and files launched at system startup - Vba32 Scanner checks files launched at system startup as well as memory of all processes, dynamic libraries and drivers. Starts a mode of memory check at which faster algorithms are applied, the drivers are not checked, the heuristic analysis is disconnected, the cache of an anti-virus kernel is used. There are three scanning modes:
Fast mode – Vba32 Scanner cheks memory using fast algorithms, doesn’t process drivers and doesn’t use heuristic analyzer. Moreover antivirus kernel cache is enabled, that speeds up further scanning of objects.
Full mode – when working in this mode all objects in memory, including drivers, are scanned. Heuristic analyzer is enabled as well as antivirus kernel cache.
Excessive mode – when working in this mode all objects in memory are scanned, antivirus kernel cache isn’t used, heuristic level is excessive.
- Scan boot sectors - Vba32 Scanner processes boot sectors.
- Scan mail - Vba32 Scanner processes mail bases and messages.
- Detect installers of malware - Vba32 Scanner detects installers of malicious programs and computer viruses.
- Scan archives - Vba32 Scanner processes archived files.
Maximum archive size, kB – sets the limitation on maximum size of archived files being scanned.
- Thorough mode - sets the excessive mode of file scanning.
Attention: Thorough mode may considerably increase the time of file scanning.
- Detect Spyware, Adware, Riskware - Vba32 Scanner detects applications of Adware and Riskware types. They are considered as common infected files.
- Starting this mode allows to lower number of false operations on the files signed EDS. The given possibility is reached thanks to the functionality given by technology Microsoft Authenticode.
Press OK to save any changes you have made and to close the window. Press Cancel to close the window without saving.