Background scanning

The Background scanning tab contains the settings of background scanning performed by Vba32 Monitor:

  • Scan files in background mode - enables background scanning of files by Vba32 Monitor. The scanning is performed only if functioning conditions are complied with.
  • Functioning conditions - allows determining conditions that should be complied with to perform the background scanning.
    • Maximum CPU usage, % - specifies maximum CPU usage in percents at which the background scanning is performed. CPU usage caused by Vba32 Loader is ignored.
    • Maximum disk activity, % - specifies maximum disk activity in percents at which the background scanning is performed.
    • Maximum displacement of mouse pointer, px/s - specifies maximum mouse pointer displacement at which Vba32 Monitor doesn’t suspend the background scanning.
    • Minimum battery charge, % - specifies minimum battery charge in percents at which the backgroung scanning is performed. If battery charge is less than the specified, the background scanning is suspended.
  • Scan files frequently launched by user - files frequently launched by a user are scanned when performing the background scanning.
  • List of paths to scan - contains paths which are processed when performing the background scanning. The Add, Edit and Delete buttons can be used to manage the list.

Press OK to save any changes you have made and close the window.
Press Cancel to close the window without saving.
Press Apply to save any changes you have made without closing the window.
Press Help to open Help file.


Background scanning