Statistics tab displays statistics of Vba32 Mail Filter functioning and allows configuring parameters of keeping the report file:
- Scanned messages: - number of mail messages scanned by Vba32 Mail Filter. Press Reset to reset the statistics and to start the new one.
- Infected - statistics of scanned mail messages which contain attachments with malicious programs or scripts.
- Total - total number of infected mail messages detected by Vba32 Mail Filter.
- Cured - number of cured mail messages.
- Deleted - number of deleted infected mail messages.
- Quarantined - number of infected mail messages placed to Vba32 Quarantine.
- Virus name - name of the last malicious object detected.
- Time - date and time of the last malicious object detection.
- Suspicious - statistics of scanned mail messages which contain attachments with features of malicious programs or with modifications of known malicious programs.
- Total - total number of suspicious mail messages detected by Vba32 Mail Filter.
- Deleted - number of deleted suspicious mail messages.
- Quarantined - number of suspicious mail messages placed to Vba32 Quarantine.
- Suspected of being - heuristic analyzer information about the last detected suspicious object.
- Time - date and time of the last suspicious object detection.
- Report File
- Keep - sets the mode when all actions performed by Vba32 Mail Filter as well as their results are written to the report file. Default file is named
Vba32PP3.log and placed in the Vba32 folder. Press Browse to specify another report file name and path.
- Detailed - sets the mode of addition to the report file information about all processed connections and messages including the “clean” ones.
- Maximum size, kB - specifies maximum size of the report file. If this value is achieved, addition of records to the file end will cause deletion of records at the file beginning. It is recommended to enable it in order not to litter the system with stale data. To view the report file, press Show.