
Objects tab contains settings of actions performed by Vba32 Mail Filter if infected and suspicious attachments are detected.

  • Scan mail - enables Vba32 Mail Filter. Provides protection of mail regardless of mail clients (Outlook Express, The Bat!, MS Outlook, etc).
  • Infected

Messages - allows choosing an action from the drop-down list performed on messages with infected attachments:

  1. Receive - an infected message will be received with no actions performed.
  2. Cure - an infected message will be cured.
  3. Delete - an infected message will be deleted.

Save copy to Quarantine - an infected message will be copied to Vba32 Quarantine.

  • Suspicious

Heuristic Analysis - allows detecting unknown malicious programs and modifications of known malicious programs. It provides a more reliable protection of your computer. You can choose the level of the heuristic analysis:

  1. Disabled -unknown malicious programs will not be detected.
  2. Optimal - practically doesn’t slow down the scanning. Recommended for most of users.
  3. Maximum - provides the maximum level of unknown malicious programs detection with the lowest probability of false positives; slows down scanning a bit.
  4. Excessive - detects most of unknown malicious programs with the highest probability of false positives. Recommended for advanced users only.

Attention: Send suspicious files to newvirus@anti-virus.by for detailed analysis. This will help us in removing false positives in the next update of antivirus base.

Messages - allows choosing an action from the drop-down list performed on suspicious messages.

  1. Receive - a suspicious message will be received with no actions performed.
  2. Delete - a suspicious message will be deleted.

Save copy to Quarantine - a suspicious message will be copied to Vba32 Quarantine.

  • Messages being deleted are replaced with: - a dialog box which allows forming message template that deleted messages will be replaced with is invoked by pressing Template….

